Las Vegas Strip Club Review - Acknowledgements
Zbone's LA Strip Club Connection
Be sure to visit Zbone's Site!

[Vegas Strip Club



First, I'd like to thank Z-Bone of LA's Strip Club Connection for his help. A big thank you also goes to LAAR, Saxbeat, and the many posters of the newsgroup ASSC ( for much of the terminology used within these pages as well as in the mini-glossary in the FAQ. I'd also like to thank JayJ, Jim Forte, J2K, fuf, and the many other Las Vegas locals (and many wonderful dancers) who have helped me in providing additional information for the clubs as well as giving me insight where I wouldn't have had it before. Special thanks go to Ook, who not only wrote the cool Day/Date script, but helps me sporadically throughout the year with code and design. Finally, I'd like to offer thanks to anyone else whom I might have forgotten (and I'm sure that is the case).

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